Events Archive: 2008-2012
The Two Sudans: Partnership or Mutual Suicide
November 2012
Speaker: Imam Sayyid Al-Sadig Al-Mahdi (Leader of the Ansar, President of the National Umma Party and Former Prime Minister).
The Two Sudans after One Year
June 2012
Speakers: Professor Al-Tayyib Z. Al-Abdin (University of Khartoum) on The Suspended Issues between the Two Sudans: A Way to Peace and Conflict; Dr John Mairi Blackings (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow) on South Sudan One Year On: From the World’s newest Nation to Another African Story; Dr Lual Deng (Managing Director, Ebony Centre for Strategic Studies, Juba) Discussant and Professor Karrar Abbadi (Vice-Chancellor, University of Omdurman) Discussant.
Presentations by Researchers on the Two Sudans
May 2012
Speakers: Dr Richard Barltrop (Consultant on Sudan and Independent Researcher) on Peace in the Two Sudans; Dr El-Tahir El-Faki (Justice and Equality Movement) on Darfurising Kordofan and Beyond; Mr Pieter Tesch (Media Counsellor, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania) on The ‘Arab Spring’ in the Wider Saharan/Sahel Region; Mr Samer Abdelnour (Postgraduate Student) on Reintegrating former Combatants in the Blue Nile; Mr Will Berridge on Students, Professionals and Political Parties in the October Revolution of 1964 and April Intifada of 1985; Dr Pamela Lomoro (Independent Researcher) on The Role of Ill-Qualified, Inexperienced Foreign Consultants, Rogue Traders and Over-Rated INGOs in the Republic of Southern Sudan.
Presentations by Researchers at Oxford University
February 2012
Speakers: Mr Case Martin (St Antony’s College) on Juba Bubble; Mr Grant Brooke (St Stephen House, Oxford University) on Transnational Religious Advocacy in South Sudanese State; Ms Asil Sidahmed (Wolfson College) on The Zar and the Changing role of Women in Northern Sudan; Dr Lovise Aalen (St Antony’s College) on The Politics of Ethnicity in Southern Sudan; Mr Richard Stanley (St Antony’s College) on International Agendas and Aid Effectiveness in two Sudans and Dr Laura Mann (Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh/Oxford Internet Institute) on The National Congress Party (NCP), the Labour Market and Youth Unemployment.
The Challenges Facing South Sudan
Panel Discussion
November 2011
[Held at Exeter College, Oxford]
Speakers: Mr Martin Muortat, Dr Martin Ettore, Mr Santino Loro and Dr Muhammed Jalal Hashim.
Postgraduate Sudanese Students’ Presentations
June 2011
Speakers: Miss Rawa Jafar Bakhit (Reading University) on Good governance, Civil Society and Human Rights in Africa and the Middle East; Miss Dinah Mahmoud (Exeter University) on Dynamics of Sudanese Foreign Policy (1989–2010). Attempts to Regain International Legitimacy; Mrs Batoul Mustafa (Brookes University, Oxford) on The Success of Referenda on Settling Self-determination Conflict; Miss Dana Al-Hasan (SOAS, London University) on Media in Post-Comprehensive Agreement Sudan; and Ustaz Mohamed M. Mansour (Brookes University, Oxford) on The Rise and Demise of the Sudan(s): a New Paradigm in African Peace Keeping.
Will the Final Outcome of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Sustain a Permanent Peace in Sudan?
May 2011

Speakers: General (Ret.) Lazaro Sumbeiwyo (Former Chief of the Staff of the Kenyan Army (2002–2003) and Kenya’s Special Envoy to the IGAD-led Sudanese Peace Process (1997–1998) and Mediator (2001–2005), Dr Sayed Elkhateb (Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Khartoum), Dr Lam Akol (SPLM/Democratic Change) and H.E. Mr Nhial Deng Nhial (SPLM and Minister in the Southern Sudan Cabinet).
Hydropolitics of the Nile and the International Engagement with Sudan and its Implication to Peace and Stability
March 2011
Speakers: Mr Harry Verhoeven (Depart of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University) on Hydropolitics Around the Nile: Understanding the Dangerous Game of Chess between Khartoum, Juba, Cairo and Addis Ababa and Ustaz Mohamed Moniem Mansour (Brookes University, Oxford) on Understandings and Misunderstandings: The International Community’s Engagement with Sudan and its Implications on Sudan’s Peace and Political Stability.
January 2011
Speakers: Dr El-Tahir El-Faki (Speaker/Legislative Assembly, Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)) and Sayyid Yahia El-Bashir (Chairperson, Sudan National Liberation Movement (SNLM)).
Post-elections Governments of Sudan: How are They Preparing for a Referendum on Self-determination?
November 2010
Speakers: Dr Faiz Omer Mohamed Gamie (Centre of Peace and Development Studies, University of Juba) on The Challenges Facing the Sudanese before the 2011 Referendum on Self-determination of Southern Sudan and Dr John Apurout Akec (Vice-Chancellor of Northern Bahr El Ghazal) on Why Confederation in Post Referendum Sudan is Key to Prosperous, Stable and Good Neighbourliness Between the North and South if South Chooses Independence.
Arbitration and Post-Referendum Issues: A Future Outlook
October 2010
[In collaboration with the National Council for Arbitration, Sudan Open University, Khartoum]
An open discussion by the participants chaired by Advocate Saif Al-Yazal Khalifa Babikir on: Self-determination for the South, Referendum in the South and Arbitration and the Choice between Unity with the North and Separation.

The Prospect for Unity or Separation on the Eve of Self-determination in Southern Sudan
June 2010
Speakers: Justice John Gatwech Lul (Justice of the Constitutional Court and former Justice of the Supreme Court) and Dr Abdelrahman Ibrahim Elkhalifa (President, the Sudanese Bar Association and Associate Professor of Law, University of Khartoum).
The Recent Elections in Sudan
Round-table Discussion
May 2010
Discussion leaders: Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi (The Sudanese Programme), Dr Richard Barltrop (Independent Researcher and Consultant on Sudan), Dr Philip Roessler (St Peter’s College, Oxford University), Mrs Eiman Baldo (Advisor to the Cultural Attaché, Oman Embassy) and Mr Pieter Tesch (Media Counsellor, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania).
Research in Progress: Postgraduate Students and Researchers Undertaking Research on Sudan at Oxford University
March 2010
Speakers: Ms Melanie Bunce (Green-Templeton College) on International News Production on Conflict in Sudan; Mr Arttu Ahava (Linacre College) on No Going Back: Christian Conversion Among the Bor Dinka; Marc Gustafson (St John’s College) on The intersection of democracy and Peace-keeping in Sudan; Ms Zoe Cormack (St Antony’s College) on Veterinary Medicine in Southern Sudan: Social Histories of Epizootic Control and Biomedical Knowledge in Lake State; Dr Harry Verhoeven (St Cross College) on Hydropolitics Around the Nile: Water Policy at the Crossroads of Conflict, Ecological Scarcity and (Under-)Development; Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi (St Antony’s College) and Dr Philip Roessler (St Peter’s College) on Collaborative Research on Ethnicity and Citizenship in Sudan; and Dr Richard Barltrop (Independent Researcher and Consultant on Sudan) on The International Community and the Resolution of Conflict in Sudan.
Arbitration: The Road to Justice and Development
March 2010
[In collaboration with the National Arbitration Centre (Sudan Open University, Khartoum), organized by Saif Al-Yazal Khalifa Babikir and Ahmed Al-Shahi (The Sudanese Programme)]
Among the issues discussed by the two organisers and participants were: Arbitration in tribal conflicts; equitable development and economic investment; native system of conflict resolution; international disputes; peace councils; and the SharÄ«’ah system of solving disputes.
General Elections and Referendum on Self-determination:
Are They Separable?
October 2009
Speakers: Justice Chan Reec (Chief Justice, The Republic of Southern Sudan) and Mawlana Omer F.H. Shumena (technical legal consultant, Khartoum).
Sudan: Four Years of the Implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)
June 2009

Speakers: Sir Derek Plumbly (Chairman, Assessment and Evaluation Commission of the CPA), Cdr Pa`gan Amum (Secretary-General, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement) and H.E. Dr Taj Al-Sirr Mahjoub (Minister of State, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, Government of Sudan).
Land, ‘Community’ and Conflict: Land Disputes in Juba, Southern Sudan after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)
Speaker: Dr Naseem Badiey, Pembroke College, Oxford University.
October 2009
Local, Regional and National Dimensions of Identity in Sudan
February 2009
[The Sudanese Programme in collaboration with the Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark. The participation of the Danish Institute for International Studies is through the Paths to Peace Research Network, a multi-year initiative in collaboration and support of Sudanese academics and students on issues related to the peace process in Sudan.]
Main speakers: Dr Munzoul Assal (University of Khartoum) on The Question of Identity in Sudan: New Dimensions for an old Problem and Dr Mom Kou Nhial Aru (University of Juba) on The Problem of Identity in Southern Sudan. Respondents: Mr Pac Mayem (SPLA), Ms Gold Abbe (United South Sudanese Community Organisation), Dr Mona Ayoub (University of Khartoum), Dr Muhammed Ahmed Mansour (National Umma Party), Dr Fakhreldin Galdagon (Nuba Mountain Solidarity Abroad), Mr Ahmed Diraig (Sudan Federal Democratic Alliance), Mr Clement Mbugoniwia (United South Sudan Party), Dr Mohamed Abu Shama (Beja Conference), Dr Omer Yak (South Sudan Democratic Forum) and Dr Mahdi Ibrahim and Dr Abd Al-Rahman Muhammed Salih (National Congress Party).
Darfur and Conflict Resolution in Sudan: Where Did It Go Wrong?
January 2009
Speaker: Dr Richard Barltrop (Independent Researcher and Consultant on Sudan).

Dr Richard Barltop
Darfur in Comparative Perspective: Regime Crises, Ethnic Exclusion and Civil War in Africa
November 2008
Speaker: Dr Philip Roessler (Andrew Mellon post-Doctoral Fellow in Comparative Government, Department of Politics and International Relations & St Peter’s College, Oxford University).
The Indictment Effort by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its Implication for the Peace Process in Sudan
Speaker: Mr Bona Malwal (The Sudanese Programme).
November 2008
The Oil Boom and its Limitations in Sudan
October 2008
Speaker: Dr Laura James (former Editor/Economist, Middle East/North Africa Economic Intelligence Unit).

Dr Laura James
Negotiating Disarmament and Arms Control in Sudan
May 2008
Speaker: Dr Richard Barltrop (Independent Researcher and Consultant on Sudan).
Elections in Sudan 2009: Will They be Free and Fair?
May 2008
Speakers: Sayyid A.M. Nahhas (Head, General Elections Authority) and Professor Awad Hag Ali (Secretary of the Census Council and Director-General of the Central Bureau of Statistics and Vice-Chancellor, Nilein University).
Three of a Kind? China, India and Malaysia in Oil-rich Sudan
January 2008
Speaker: Dr Luke Anthony Patey (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark).
Deconstructing Darfur
January 2008
Speakers: Ms Meera Selva (Reuters Fellow, Green College, Oxford University) on Responsibility to Protect? Can Aid workers and Soldiers Save Darfur? and Ms Melanie Bunce (Development Studies, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University) on Reporting Darfur: The British Media’s Coverage of the Crisis.