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Events Archive: 2018-2024

South Sudan at the Crossroads, Election or No Election – What is the Prospect for Real Peace for South Sudan


Saturday 2 November 2024
[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College and the South Sudanese Community in the UK]

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From left to right: Daniel Yupet, Samuel Dhol Ayuen, Dr Hakim Dario Moi, Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr Victor Vuni Joseph, Federico Awi Vuni and Dr Richard Barltrop  

Photography courtesy of Makol Bona Malwal

Speakers: Cllr Dr Lam Akol, Elections and Ending the Transition Movement; Victor Vuni Joseph, A new Comprehensive Peace Plan is needed for Real Peace in South Sudan; Mr Federico Awi Vuni, From Liberation to Oppression: The Rise and Fall of Hopes in South Sudan; Ambassador Emmanuel Ajawin, Government of Technocrats as a Solution for Peace and Stability in the Republic of South Sudan;  Miss Suzanne Jambo, Freedoms, Political Space and Displacement vis the Viability of a Credible Fair Election; Hakim Dario Moi, South Sudan at a Crossroads: Redefining the Failed State for Existence in a Union State; Mr Samuel Dhol Ayuen, Why would free, fair and credible elections revive South Sudan?; Mr Daniel Yupet, What will the Elections mean for South Sudan?; Right Rev Bishop Emeritus Enoch Tombe, Tumaini InitiativeThe event was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr Richard Barltop and Professor Laurent Mignon. 

Sudanese Diaspora - Their Roles in Sudan and South Sudan


Saturday 10 February 2024
[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College]

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Top row from left to right: Dr Richard Barltrop, Iman Federico Awi, Dr Salma Abdalla, Prof Munzoul Assal, Abiol Lual Deng, Dr Eva Khair, Hashim Muhammed Ahmed, Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi  

Photography courtesy of Makol Bona Malwal

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From left to right: Elhag Paul, Cllr Mona Adam  

Photography courtesy of ZOOM Webinars

Speakers: Cllr Mona Adam Challenges and Opportunities: Empowering the Sudanese Diaspora for Sustainable Change in Sudan and South Sudan; Dr Eva Khair Research on Activities of UK-based Sudanese Medical Diaspora; Professor Munzoul Abdalla Assal; Diaspora and the War in Sudan: Malignant or Benign Contributions? Dr Salma Abdalla The Engagement of Sudanese Diaspora Women in Norway during and after the December Revolution (2018-2023); Iman Federico Awi The Significant Role of the Sudanese Diaspora in the development of both Sudan and South Sudan, particularly in relation to challenges faced by the education sector; Mr Elhag Paul South Sudan Diaspora and Politics at Home; Ms Abiol Lual Deng Africa Avant-Garde? South Sudan; Mr Hashim Mohammed Ahmed The Role of The Sudanese Trade Unions in the Diaspora; Nadia Awad Sudanese Diaspora in the UK: Activism, Journalism and Art. The event was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop. 

Rethinking Colonialism: The Southern Sudanese Liberation Struggle and the Challenge to Decolonisation

Book Discussion

Saturday 28 October 2023
[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College and the University of Kent]

Speakers: Dr Yaniv Voller speaking about his recent publication Second-Generation Liberation Wars: Rethinking Colonialism in Iraqi Kurdistan and Southern Sudan with Respondents Dr Richard Barltrop; Dr Hakim Moi and Mr Elhag Paul; Dame Rosalind Marsden, Justin Gordon-Muortat and Mr John Benington speaking on Recent Developments in the Struggle for Education, especially for Girls in South Sudan. The event was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop.

Economic, Political and Social Consequences of the Military Confrontation in Sudan


Saturday 10 June 2023
[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College]

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Top row from left to right: Dr Sara Abdelgalil, Professor Munzoul Assal, Dr Richard Barltrop

Bottom row from left to right: Dr Amira Osman, Ms Eiman Baldo, Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi  

Photography courtesy of The Sudanese Programme

Speakers: Professor Munzoul Assal on The View from Near: Reflections on Recent Events in Sudan; Dr Sara Abdelgalil on Sudan. Freedom. Peace. Justice; Dr Amira Osman on Armed Conflict and Disaster in Sudan: Impacts on Civilians, their Health and Environment; and Ms Eiman Baldo on A Chronicle of Events Foretold: On the Legal Implications of the War in Sudan. With a contribution from Geoff Holden. The conference was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop.


Edited recordings of the presentations will be available here in early July, with the kind permission of the speakers.

COVID-19 in Sudan and South Sudan


Saturday 4 February 2023
[Hosted with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine]

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Back row (left to right): Makol Bona Malwal, Eng. Khalid Elzaki Iddriss, Dr Fathi Alloba, Dr Samuel Dhol Ayuen, Iman Hasan

Front row (left to right): Dr George Omondi Adinoh, Dr Frank Tianyi, Dr Buthaina Eltigani, Dr Noon Altijani, Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr Azza Mohammed, Valentine Musabyimana 

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From left to right: Dr Sara Lavinia Brair,

Dr Ayak Chol, Dr Sandra Banks,

Dr Richard Barltrop 

Photography courtesy of ZOOM Webinars

Photography courtesy of Makol Bona Malwal

Speakers: Dr Reem Gaafar; Mr Aljaily Ahmed on The Community-led COVID-19 Mitigation in Sudan; Dr Sara Lavinia Brair on The Experience of White Nile State regarding COVID-19 Management; Dr Ayak Chol on Misconceptions and the role of media in combating COVID-19; Dr Sandra Banks on COVID-19 in displaced populations; Dr Samuel Dhol Ayuen on The Health, Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in South Sudan; and Dr Buthaina Eltigani on Sudanese young doctors' resilience in the COVID-19 eraThe conference was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr Noon Altijani and Dr Richard Barltop.


Ecological Impacts of Proposed Jonglei Canal, National Identity Crisis, Communal Conflicts and the Peace in South Sudan


Saturday 5 November 2022
[In collaboration with (1) the South Sudanese Community (UK) and (2) the Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford] 

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From left to right: Elhag Paul, Dr Rachel Ayrton, Dr Laura Nunu Numirano; Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi 

Photography courtesy of Frédérique Cifuentes

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From left to right: David Bassiouni, Rita Lopidia, Tag Elkhazin, Dr Richard Barltrop 

Photography courtesy of ZOOM Webinars

Speakers: David S. Bassiouni on Towards Nationhood: The Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving Unity and Nationhood in South Sudan;  Rita M. Lopidia on Evaluation of the Implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan; Rachel Ayrton on National Identity and Belonging among South Sudanese Diaspora in the UK; Tag Elkhazin on The Impact of Completing Jonglei Canal and Dredging Bahr El Ghazal Basin on the delicate ecosystem of the SUDD Wetlands; Abraham A. Awolich on The Myths and Truths of South Sudan’s National Identity; Laura Nunu Numirano on Communal Conflicts in South Sudan; and Elhag Paul on Elections in South Sudan. The conference was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop.

Reflections on Recent Events in Sudan

ZOOM Webinar

Sunday 20 March 2022

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Top Row:

Samahir Elmubarak, Grace Awi Federico, Hamid Khalafallah

Bottom Row:

Richard Barltrop, Ahmed Al-Shahi 

Photography courtesy of ZOOM Webinars

Speakers: Samahir Elmubarak on The Journey of Liberation of Sudan; Grace Awi Federico on An Indigenous Sudanese Narrative; and Hamid Khalafallah on The Resistance Committees of Sudan: From Protest to Power.


The conference was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop.


Listen to the edited recordings of the presentations and Q&A discussion through SoundCloud - click the play arrows below or listen direct through our SoundCloud channel here. There are 5 recordings in this playlist: 3 individual speaker presentations; the audience Q&A session; and a recording of the entire webinar.

Sustainable Peace and Future Governance of South Sudan


Saturday 23 October 2021
[In collaboration with the South Sudanese Community (UK) and the University of Manchester] 

The conference proceedings booklet is available for purchase from The Sudanese Programme, please email Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi for your copy (proceeds go towards future Programme publications).


Speakers: Laura Nunu on Unity in Diversity; Eng. Leeri Johnson Marella on Nation Building Challenges in South Sudan; Elhag Paul, on Mediation and Peace in South Sudan; Mawan Muortat on Governance Crisis in South Sudan: Might Technocrat-led Departments and Regions be the Solution? Sabina Dario Lokolong on The Way Forward for the Conflict in South Sudan; Hakim Moi on The Alternative Way Forward for South Sudan; Christopher Duku and Victor Vuni Joseph on Federalism: For a Peaceful and Prosperous South Sudan; The Federal System Model of South Sudan. The conference was chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltop.

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From left to right: Hakim Dario, Leeri Johnson Marella, Laura Nunu, Elhag Paul, Victor Vuni Joseph, Sabina Dario Lokolong, Mawan Muortat, Christopher Duku

Standing (left to right): Santino Loro, Ahmed Al-Shahi, Leeri Johnson Marella, Mawan Muortat, Elhag Paul, Victor Vuni Joseph, Christopher Duku, Grace Federico Awi, Gildo Gore

Sitting (left to right): Federico Vuni, Laura Nunu, Sabina Dario Lokolong

Photography courtesy of Federico Vuni

Photography courtesy of Leeri Johnson Marella

The Plight of the Merowe Dam-Affected People: Stories from the Manasir

ZOOM Webinar

Thursday 23 September 2021
[In collaboration with the University of East Anglia (UAE)] 

An evening of film and discussion with Dr Valerie Hänsch, anthropologist and director of the highly acclaimed short documentary film Manasirland - Development Refugees (2006), and Azza Dirar, a PhD candidate who has studied the adaptations of life among the Manasir who resettled themselves along the banks of the Merowe dam’s reservoir.

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Photography courtesy of Dr Valeire Hänsch, Valerie is on

bottom row of the photos with Azza Dirar on her right.

Click the play arrow to watch the presentations - includes the information slides that the speakers showed the live webinar audience.

Recording courtesy of ZOOM Webinar recordings

Also available to view direct from

The Sudanese Programme YouTube channel

or the audio only from

The Sudanese Programme SoundCloud channel

Youth, Inclusivity and Participation in Politics, the Economy and Society

ZOOM Webinar

Saturday 22 May 2021

Click the play arrows below to hear the presentations or listen direct through our SoundCloud channel here. There are 10 recordings in this playlist: 8 individual speaker presentations; the audience Q&A session; and a recording of the entire webinar. Only those speakers who gave their approval for their presentations to be made available are here.


Recording courtesy of ZOOM Webinar recordings


Top Row:

Elizabeth Achu Jervase, Bush Buse Laki, Hanin Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed

Middle Row:

Ahmed Al-Shahi, Aida Abbashar, Noon Altijani, Moram Nafaa

Bottom Row:

Mohammed Sharfi, Amal Osman, Richard Barltrop 

Photography courtesy of ZOOM Webinars

Click the play arrow to watch the presentations - includes the information slides that the speakers showed the live webinar audience.

Recording courtesy of ZOOM Webinar recordings

Also available to view direct from

The Sudanese Programme YouTube channel

The Role of Sudan's Diaspora in Nation Building


Saturday 23 November 2019
[In collaboration with the Union of Sudanese Communities in the UK and the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford University] 

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Speakers: Muhammed Zain Al-Abdin on agricultural development and its industry; Hashim Muhammed Ahmed on the future of Sudan railways; Wail Awad Al-Karim on Sudan's alternative health policy; Rasha Gasim on the University of Khartoum; Tariq Ahmed on solar urban planning; Muhammed Sharif on the role of civil society; Khalid Muhammed Abdelgaffar on developing pharmacy transformation; El-Nimairy Ahmed on the role of media in promoting peace and social cohesion; Muhamadain Ali on public health; Ammar Hamouda on Sudan Airways.

Photography courtesy of Mohamed Nasreldin

Mass Media and Recent Events in Sudan


Saturday 26 October 2019
[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford University] 

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From left to right: Ms Othaylat Suliman, Mr Mohanad Hashim, Dr Marwa Gibril, Professor Munzoul Assal, Ms Yousra Elbagir, Professor Khalid Al-Hroub and Ms Nima Elbagir

Photograph courtesy of Makol Bona Malwal

Speakers: Professor Khaled Al Hroub, Northwestern University in Qatar on Media and the Arab Uprisings: Re-assessment and Conceptualisation; Professor Munzoul Abdalla Assal, Director, Peace Research Institute and Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Khartoum on The December 19th Revolution: Chronology of Events and Anthropological Reflections; Ms Nima Elbagir, Senior International Correspondent, CNN and Ms Yousra Elbagir, Journalist jointly spoke on Covering the Revolution:  A Family Affair; Dr Marwa Gibril, Sudan Doctors' Union, UK Branch on The Role of Professional Associations in the Mass Media during the Sudan Uprising: Doctors' Union as Example; Mr Mohanad Hashim, Journalist, BBC, Focus on Africa on Reporting the Revolution and Ms Othaylat Suliman, Broadcast Journalist and Media Consultant on Sudanese Media: Past Constraints and Future Challenges. Chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Professor Walter Armbrust, St Antony's College and Dr Richard Barltrop.

Reflections on Recent Events in the Republic of Sudan


Friday 3 May 2019

[in collaboration with the Middle East Centre at St Antony's College, University of Oxford

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From left to right: Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, Dr Sara Ibrahim Abdelgalil and Dr Richard Barltrop 

Photo: courtesy of Nazar Eltahir

Speakers: Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi (Research Fellow, St Antony's College, Trustee of the Sudanese Programme); Dr Sara Ibrahim Abdelgalil (Paediatric Consultant, President of Sudan Doctors' Union, UK); and Dr Richard Barltrop (Consultant and Researcher on the two Sudans, Trustee of the Sudanese Programme).

Click the play arrow above to hear the presentations - due to technical reasons beyond our control, please note the recording starts part-way through Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi's presentation.

Recording courtesy of the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College

Conversation with the Diaspora: The Future of South Sudan


Saturday 23 February 2019

[In collaboration with the Middle East Centre at St Antony's College, University of Oxford]

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Front Row:

Hakim Dario, Sieta Majok, Victor Joseph, Ahmed Al-Shahi, Noon Altijani

Second Row:

Federico Vuni, Golda Abbe, Anis Haggar, Bol Gatkouth, Makol Bona Malwal

Back Row:

Richard Barltrop, Lako Jada Kwajok, Rosemary Merkaje, Elhag Paul, Andre Kuong 

Photo: courtesy of Makol Bona Malwal

Speakers: Andrew Kuong (Former Minister, SPLM/A-10 and Advisor on Political Parties Affairs) on What Triggered the War in South Sudan? Peaceful and Political Settlement in South Sudan; Elhag Paul (Critic of the June Regime) on The New State: What Went Wrong and Why?; Federico Vuni (Chair, Equatorian Community Organisation in the UK) on Peace and Community Cohesion Accountability; Hakim Dario (Chair, People's Democratic Movement) on The Political Future of South Sudan; Golda Abbe (Campaign for South Sudan) on How do we turn Destruction to Production?; Lako Jada Kwajok (Chairman, the International Relations for National Salvation) on The New State of South Sudan; Sieta Majok (South Sudan Analyst, Writer and Activist) on  The Impact of Culture; Ms Rosemary Merkaje (Counsellor, Psychotherapist) on Youth and Women; Victor Joseph (Chairman of National Salvation Front, Strategic Policy Secretariat) on What would it take for South Sudanese in the Diaspora to Return Home?; Bol Gatkouth (Former Member of Parliament, SPLM-IO Representative in Kigali, Rwanda) on The Unification of the SPLM Faction and the Future of the Revitalized Peace Agreement. Chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi and Dr Richard Barltrop. 

Inflation: Causes and Solutions


Saturday 5 January 2019

[In collaboration with The National Centre for Arbitration Conference Hall, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Khartoum, Republic of Sudan]

Speakers: Dr Alreshid Awad Mohamed Fadul (Legal Advisor, Sudan Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences); Dr Saif Al-Yazal Khalifa Babikir (Chairman, National Centre for Arbitration); Dr Siddig Al-Sharif Al-Hindi (Politician). Chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi; Dr Saif Al-Yazal Khalifa Babikir and Professor Muhammed Zain Al Abdin Osman.

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From the left to right: Dr Siddig Al-Sharif Al-Hindi; Dr Alreshid Awad Mohamed Fadul; Dr Saif Al-Yazal Khalifa Babikir; and Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi. 

Photo: courtesy of Andrew Kuong

A Rope from the Sky: The Making and Unmaking of the World's Newest State [South Sudan]


Saturday 20 October 2018

[In collaboration with African Studies Centre; Center for International Studies; and Middle East Centre, St Antony's College, University of Oxford]

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Zack Vertin is centre, next to Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi

Photograph courtesy of Ahmed Abd Al-Rahman

Speaker: Zach Vertin, from Princeton University spoke about his new book, A Rope from the Sky. Chaired by Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi.

Click the play arrow above to hear Zach Vertin's talk.

Recording courtesy of the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College

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Dr Richard Barltrop and Professor Wafa’a Onyalla

Art, Drama and Film in South Sudan: Influences, Challenges, Possibilities


Saturday 6 October 2018

[In collaboration with the School of Fine Arts and Industrial Design, University of Juba, Republic of South Sudan]

Speakers: Mr Joseph Abuk, Director, South Sudan Theatre Organisation; Professor Wafa'a H. Onyalla, Dean of the School of Fine Arts and Industrial Design, University of Juba; and Mr Alex Joseph Lubajo, Founder, United Friends for Film and Drama. Chaired by Dr Richard Barltrop, with introductions also from Bona Malwal.


Celebration of Ibrahim El-Salahi's Artistic Contribution

In Conversation

Saturday 8 September 2018
[In collaboration with the Sudanese Community in Oxford and the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford University] 

Speakers: Ustaz Ibrahim El-Salahi; with short introductions from Sayyid Hasan Taj Al-Sirr, on behalf of Ahfad Group in London; Dr Farouk Fadl on behalf of the Oxford Sudanese Community; and Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, a Trustee of The Sudanese Programme; with live music by Oxford Sudanese musicians (courtesy of the Sudanese Community).

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Third from the right: Ustaz Ibrahim El-Salahi

Photograph courtesy of Abdel Ibrahim

In Conversation with Imam Sayyid Sadig Al-Mahdi

Speakers: Imam Sayyid Sadig Al-Mahdi (Former Foreign Minister and Prime Minister) President of the National Umma Party; with short introductions from Sayyid Bashir Ahmed, Chairman, Sudanese Community, Oxford; Sayyid Nizar Ateeg, Shafaq Publishing and Media Production; and Dr Ahmed Al-Shahi, a Trustee of The Sudanese Programme.

Lecture and Audience Discussion

Saturday 1 September 2018
[In collaboration with the Sudanese Community in Oxford, the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, Oxford University and Shafaq Publishing and Media Production] 

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Third from the right: Imam Sayyid Sadig Al-Mahdi

Photograph courtesy of Abdel Ibrahim

Women Journalists of the Two Sudans

Speakers: Ms Othaylat Suliman (Journalist and former Al-Arabiya Sudan Bureau Manager, 2008-2013) on Women: Presence and Constraints in Mass Media; Ms Ayak Chol Deng Alak (Worked for Khartoum T.V. Radio Maria, UN Radio for Peace and Human Dignity and Youth Movement for Change and Social Media, (Republic of South Sudan) on Women, Social Media and Social Change; Ms Christina Jambo (South Sudanese Journalist and worked with Sudan Radio Service as Radio Presenter, 2007-2013) on Freedom of Speech: Challenges Facing Female Journalists and Freedom of Speech in South Sudan; Ms Ayen Bior (Multimedia Journalist for Voice of America's South Sudan in Focus since 2015. She is also the Washington base Reporter for SSIF Radio Programme) on Breaking News and Glass Ceilings: A Conversation on the Gender Gap in Journalism and How Female Journalists in Positions of Power Impact Story Telling; and Ms Taghrid Elsanhouri (Anthropologist Filmmaker and Researcher) on Bitana: Navigating the Sudanese Media Landscape as an Independent Filmmaker.


Saturday 24 February 2018




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